Thu. Feb 6th, 2025
Auto Dealerships Sell More Cars

Even with the digital disruption and the popularity of researching cars online, auto dealerships are still an integral piece of the sales process. As Jeff Lupient says,   while consumers would want to do the majority of their research online, they still prefer heading to a dealership to take that test drive. Hence, auto dealerships do get many opportunities to influence car shoppers across the entire purchase journey, right from initial online research to the point when they step onto the lot.

Jeff Lupient discusses tips that can help auto dealerships to sell more cars

Staying ahead of the curve becomes vital in the domain of car sales, where customer preferences and market trends constantly evolve and change. Providing efficient customer service, being available and responsive, as well as offering competitive pricing and incentives are among the cornerstones of effective car sales. Here are a few tips that can help auto dealerships to sell more cars:

  • Establish a strong online presence:  In the digital age of today, the online presence of a car dealership matters a lot. It is vital for car dealerships to have a well-designed, user friendly website that effectively showcases its inventory and features easy contact options. Social media platforms can also be used by car dealerships to connect with potential buyers. Maintaining an engaging, active online presence to attract customers can help a dealership to stay top-of-mind when they are ready to make a purchase.
  • Develop excellent customer service skills: Smooth customer service is imperative to boost car sales. Agents of a car dealership must be approachable, attentive and patient with the customers. They need to carefully listen to the concerns and needs the customers may have, answer their questions, and address any concerns in a prompt manner. Positive customer experience is important to building trust and loyalty over the long run.
  • Increase the availability: The hours of a car dealership majorly impact its foot traffic. Car buyers often look for convenience, and not having a dealership open when they visit can be a huge turnoff. Even though it can be hard for small dealerships with less employees to stay open for extended hours, they should at least try to be open seven days a week.
  • Analyze the pricing and offer incentives: Real estate agents perform regular market comparisons, and auto dealers must do so as well. Car comparison sites are useful for both car buyers and dealers. As most people research about car models and prices online before visiting a dealership, one would not want to scare them away by overpricing the inventory. Apart from staying informed about market trends and modifying the pricing accordingly, car dealerships should also offer incentives such as price reductions, financing alternatives, or extended warranty packages to enhance the appeal of their offerings.

As Jeff Lupient says, while pricing is important, if the inventory is consistently hanging around for more than 60 days, then there is a good chance that the dealership is not stocking the right vehicles. It would be prudent to take a note of the cars customers inquire about and monitor the monthly reports to see what is selling. This would help make informed decisions when it comes to purchasing vehicles for the lot.

By admin

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